var aktivt fra 2004-2012, men eksisterer i dag kun som arkiv.

Foredrag den 17/11 om sociale bevægelser

Skrevet d. 11.11.2005 af DennisRoiHansen
Torsdag d. 17. november forelæser den svenske sociolog Åsa Wettergren fra Karlstad Universitet i Sverige om "Moving and Jamming in Late Capitalism and Information Society".

Forelæsningen indgår som gæsteforelæsning Politisk Sociologi, men er arrangeret af Sociologisk Udsyn og åben for alle interesserede.

Arrangementet forløber fra 16-18 i lokale 5.0.28 på Center for Sundhed og Samfund
Øster Farigmagsgade 5, 1410 København K.

Efter forelæsningen afholder Sociologisk Udsyn en festlig lille reception på Sociologisk Institut hvor alle også er velkommen. For yderlige spørgsmål kontakt Sociologisk Udsyn: eller 28941969

Åsa Wettergren præsenterer selv sit foredrag på følgende måde:

`Culture jamming` embraces various groups and individuals who are practicing symbolic protest against the expansion and domination of large corporations and the logic of the market in public and private life/space. “Symbolic protest” refers to the targeting of central symbols of dominant discourses to deconstruct these discourses, and to reintroduce the symbols in alternative contexts. Examples that will be dealt with are for instance the Adbusters, the Institute of Applied Autonomy and Reverend Billy. From the internationally dominant theoretical paradigm of social movements, it may be questioned if culture jamming is a social movement at all. At the most it could perhaps be seen as a movement in its early phase, “in formation”. I will argue that in the context of contemporary society it may be a characteristic of social movements that they, as culture jamming, display a prevailing fluid structure, with loose boundaries, informal networks, and a rejection of grand narratives. The globally objectified discourse of our time – we may call it late capitalism – is thus contested by improvised, fragmented, multiple, multifaceted and “guerrilla-like” protests and resistance strategies.

Hvis man skulle have lyst til at læse mere kan man kigge i:

Wettergren, Åsa (2003) `Kulturjam. Nya vägar till politiskt motstånd i informationssamhället` i Egeland, Helene och Johannisson, Jenny (red.): Kultur, plats, identitet! Det lokalas betydelse i en globaliserad värld, Nora; Nya Doxa,

Wettergren, Åsa (2005) `Mobilization and the moral shock: Adbusters Media Foundation` i Flam, Helena och King, Debra (red.): Emotions and Social Movements, London; Routledge

/Sociologisk Udsyn

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